Deciding which degree is right for you can be really tough. Don't worry if you aren’t sure what you want to do once you graduate. Most people are in the same boat. In fact, even if you do have a clear idea of your future career, we encourage you to keep an open mind!
Employers look for well-rounded graduates – the kind of people who can keep learning, deal with change and contingency, understand context and communicate effectively. You are much more likely to do well in these areas if you study what you enjoy.

pick online brains
Take the time to research your university online. Look through forums to find out what current students think about their course and ask them questions.
There are also heaps of online guides and directories you can use to find out what sort of courses are out there. A good place to get started is the
Also make use of university websites. Each one has a handy course search tool that helps you to explore your options in some detail.

choose something you love
...and won't mind getting up with a hangover to learn about.
Focus on thinking about what you enjoy. People are much more likely to drop out of courses that were low down their preference list, probably because they’re not that interested in them. You'll find that you work harder if you're passionate about your degree.
Joint courses are also great because you get the best out of both subjects.

don't believe all the myths
If you have preconceived notions about the types of people who do particular courses, think again. All sorts of people do all sorts of degrees. Universities look for passion for the subject, a good work ethic, and interest in learning. There is no footnote sneakily tucked away also stipulating a private school education and a fancy car. If you like the look of something, go for it.
if in doubt, think broadly
If you are confused about where you passion lies, consider choosing a broad, generalist degree instead of a job-specific one. This will give you an opportunity and time to clarify what sorts of things you like doing. You can always elect to specialise later. This is actually how degrees are structured in the US!

don't base your decision on your atar
Don't make the mistake of trying to match a course with your entrance mark. Remember that an entry score is an indicator of the demand for the course, and not of its inherent quality of suitability for you. Degrees with lower entry scores are not necessarily less prestigious, or somehow less rigorous.
For example, although arts and science degrees often have lower entry scores than something like law or economics, in many cases arts and science faculties are ranked just as highly in the various global university league tables, and sometimes even higher.
If you want to study for a qualification with a very high entry score but fall short, another option is to enrol in a complementary program and use credits at a later stage to transfer.
consider how you like to learn
Do you enjoy 'thinking' or 'doing' more? Chances are you want a course that offers a mix of both, but answering that question will help you decide where that balance lies for you. If you love writing essays, you probably won't enjoy a degree that requires you to be working with your hands, and vice versa. Have a look at course guides and individual subject outlines: both will give you a good idea of what your average week is likely to look like.