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Thank you for exploring higher education options for the child in your care.


Australian research shows that teenagers in care aspire to less complex and challenging post-school options than their peers. They have lower aspirations for education, and lower expectations placed on them to succeed. Don’t underestimate the critical role you can play in helping the child in your care to aim higher, and to imagine a bigger future for themselves.


Start the conversation early


Many young people don’t realise that higher education at university is even an option for them until they hear about it from a teacher, parent or carer. The earlier you start the conversation about what they enjoy doing, what they’re good at, and what they might want to do for a living, the better prepared they will be to make the right choices about which subjects to study at school - and later, when applying for a course. 



There is a wealth of resources available to help you encourage the teenager in your care to consider university.


Understanding the types of funding available


Exploring study options


Addressing learning disengagement


Helping to build study skills


Helping to build confidence



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